Industry Associates

A network of industry professionals who liaise with the community and technical education system.

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Get Engaged with Our Network

Call your Center to connect with industry leaders


The Washington State Centers of Excellence serve as networking agents for the state’s industry leaders and workforce development professionals. We connect businesses, education, and organized labor to facilitate effective relationships.


We’ll connect you to resources in your field and answer questions about the industries we serve

Access a wealth of knowledge about the education system and workforce development initiatives at the state’s colleges along with the latest insights from our network of businesses, labor, and partner organizations—all working together for Washington’s economy.

Partner up with the right partners to update your curriculum
Connect with industry experts statewide

Tap into our growing network of industry PARTNERS throughout washington state

With knowledge of current worker training and education programs, you’ll be empowered to aid industry partners to connect with statewide resources.


What We Do

Career Connect Logo

Career Connect Washington

As an integral part of the state’s education system, the Centers of Excellence support CCW with their expertise and through programs from apprenticeship to curriculum development.

A man holding a smart phone in his hand, reading about worker safety

Inter-agency collaboration

To improve worker safety in the construction and marine industries, two Centers are collaborating to update and expand Toolbox Talks, an app that delivers safety content directly to job sites.

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industry trends & data

We collect and aggregate the most current information on Washington’s economic driver industries.


Let’s get to work.

For industry associates, connecting with the Centers of Excellence are the best way to support the workforce needs in your field because the Centers act as a data clearinghouse for industries and Washington’s education system, in order to develop resources for worker training, education, and apprenticeship.

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