About Us

The Centers of Excellence grow and sustain Washington State’s economic advantage through statewide leadership. Each Center focuses on a targeted industry that drives the state’s economy and is built upon a reputation for fast, flexible, quality education and training programs.

The Centers of Excellence exist at the intersection of education, business, labor, and industry. They are the connection points between knowledge, activity, and potential. Centers are guided by industry representatives to lead collaborative and coordinated statewide education and training efforts to build a competitive workforce in a global economy. The Centers, supported by funding from the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, exist in the middle of this dynamic system to inspire and support collaboration.



Washington’s Centers of Excellence shall serve as the statewide liaisons to business, industry, labor and the state’s educational systems, for the purpose of creating a highly skilled and readily available workforce, dedicated to principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion, which are critical to the success of the industries driving the state’s economy and supporting Washington families.


The Washington Centers of Excellence shall serve as a local, national, and global leader in developing model partnerships among business, industry, education, labor, and government for the purpose of supporting workforce development and enhancing economic vitality.



A graph with an upward trend, indicating a positive impact on workforce development

Economic Development Focus

Each center supports workforce development and its local economic driver industry by serving as the link between local, regional, national, and international education, labor, and business organizations.

Three connected dots, where the centers are the link between education and industry

Industry Sector Strategy Focus

As the link between education and industry, the centers ensure teachers, counselors and others have the latest knowledge of the field, and that curriculum accurately reflects evolving business needs.

An lightbulb, representing our commitment to students and their continuous learning

Education, Innovation and Efficiency Focus

The centers continually look for ways to improve what and how students learn. In addition to keeping curriculum current, the centers advocate for expanded apprenticeship opportunities, credit for prior learning, and industry-recognized credentials.



The Centers work with industry and education to maximize student and workforce potential within a culture that advances racial, social and economic justice to service our diverse communities.

A group of individuals, meant to represent our commitment to people, training and education

Workforce Supply/Demand Focus

The centers research, analyze and distribute to their partners the latest information specfic to their driver industry. Sectors use that information to find ways to close skills gaps, expand training capacity, and incorporate best practices into education programs.

We're ready to work for you

From agriculture to clean energy and beyond, the Washington State Centers of Excellence are committed to developing workers and growing our state’s economy.

Find your center


Key roles of the Centers include:

  • Connect industries to a pipeline of qualified workers

  • Inform educators of emerging trends and requirements

  • Ensure that lawmakers understand industry needs

  • Improve the relevance of a community college education

  • Elevate Washington’s economy to the national stage